Our Clients


Pet Breeder | Mexican Hairless Xoloitzcuintli Pups

About the Client

The Xoloitzcuintli (show-low-eats-queen-tlee) comes in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard, and two varieties: hairless and coated. The hairless has tough, smooth, close-fitting skin. The coated variety is covered by a short, flat coat. Both varieties come in dark colors, ranging from black, gray-black, and slate, to red, liver, or bronze. The face is thoughtful and intelligent, and a Xolo’s forehead will wrinkle when he’s deep in thought. The Xolo’s graceful, elegant body is surprisingly strong and rugged.


Mario and Troy Valdez approached us last year to help them create a new website for their Xolo puppy import business. We were excited to work with them to create a new website and social media platforms to showcase these unique and beautiful dogs.

check out: https://www.xolopups.com/