Our Clients

Hunny Energy

At HUNNY ENERGY our mission is simple. We are committed to delivering home energy solutions through best-in-class service at a fair and honest price.

About the Client

01 / Consultation

Hunny Energy will conduct a thorough evaluation of your property's solar potential during our initial consultation. This includes assessing your energy needs, analyzing your roof's orientation and shading, and determining the optimal system size and design to meet your energy goals and maximize your savings.

02 / Design & Permitting

During the solar design and permitting process, Hunny Energy will create a customized solar system design that meets your energy needs and is optimized for your property's solar potential. We will also obtain all the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities and utilities to make sure that your solar installation meets all legal and safety requirements.

03 / Installation

Hunny Energy will handle all aspects of the installation process, including mounting the panels on your roof or property, connecting the system to your electrical panel, and ensuring that your solar panels are generating clean, renewable energy. We will also conduct a thorough quality assurance check and provide you with guidance on how to maintain and monitor your system to maximize its energy production.

04 / System Monitoring

Hunny Energy offers ongoing remote system monitoring and maintenance services to verify that your solar system is operating at its maximum efficiency. Additionally, we provide an annual follow-up to ensure that your system is meeting or exceeding your expectations, and to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.